This department exists to share news from our local churches, schools and our administrative office, and to share testimonials and stories of how God is at work within our Church community.
Our core mission is to share God’s love and tell of His saving grace… after all, how can anyone know if nobody tells them?
Comunicating through Media
We have developed the Media section of our website for sharing our major Conference events and other special presentations, such as church sermons.
You can view our programs here VictorianAdventist.TV, or on YouTube or Vimeo (dont forget to follow us!)
Communicating through Print
The Victorian Conference Newsletter is a quarterly publication, circulated in February, May, August and November, with a Big Camp Edition before Easter. At these times it is also circulated by email and posted on this website under Past Issues in the News & Announcements tab. We also circulate news weekly, by email, along with bulletin announcements and notices.
The news may also viewed on Facebook at Victorian Adventists (so don’t forget to like us) and the IntraVic News page.
Sign up for the quarterly and weekly the email versions here
Policies & Other Documentation
Privacy Policy
Digital Image Collection Policy
Standard Collection Notice
Guidelines for Handling Images
This department exists to share news from our local churches, schools and our administrative office, and to share testimonials and stories of how God is at work within our Church community.
Pr Graeme Christian
Communications Director

Media Producer
Mirek Stekla