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This year the Australian Union ran the biannual Ministerial Interns Camp at Adventist Alpine Village in picturesque Jindabyne.

32 interns and their spouses gathered from around Australia to be encouraged, educated, and empowered for ministry. Victoria Conference sent along our seven Ministerial Interns and from all reports each of them enjoyed the experience.

Pr. Jorge Muñoz presented several sessions on how to grow into ministry.  Pr. Michael Worker presented on the role of the Secretariat within the church governance system.  Several conference ministerial secretaries held panels on a wide range of topics including Pastoral Relationships, Internship Skills and Challenges and Staying sharp in Ministry.  Pr. Brendan Pratt presented on lessons in leadership and shared inspiring stories from the pioneers of Adventism in Australia.

Time was also given for pastoral conversations and team building activities such as bike riding or go kart racing.  One intrepid group even got up early for a dawn bushwalk up the side of Mount Kosciusko to enjoy the dawn from Australia’s highest peak.  Amongst this busy schedule we also made time to connect and form friendships with each other and to pray and encourage one another in ministry.

Finally we finished with a group banquet as the Sabbath closed.  The Adventist Alpine Village hosts, Stan and Bronnie, cared for us very well, and fed us even better. After a final prayer we set off home Sunday morning, excited and eager to return to the harvest field.

Justin Bone