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Yes, our ministers were able to meet, within guidelines, for their first session of ministers meetings in the second week of February for professional development.  “This was the first time we had been together, face to face, since the same meetings twelve months ago,” said Pr Justin Bone, Ministerial Secretary. “The masks did not hide the smiles on our faces, greeting each other after so long!”

They were able to meet at Nunawading Church, where they could maintain social distance; however, the interstate speakers planned were obviously unable to attend.  So it was an all-Victorian team who blessed our pastors with a wealth of information.

Featured speakers were Pr Jorge Muñoz and Pr Michael Worker, who presented the Church Restructure Review. Pr Rob Steed inspired the pastors to mentor others, and Pr Peter Roennfeldt spoke about what it means to be a church in this new world of COVID-19, and challenged them to be the church, not just go to church.

The various Conference departmental leaders shared updates and new resources, and they also heard from our President and the CFO.

The new members of the pastoral team were welcomed and the new interns acknowledged. As a group they prayed over these individuals, wishing them a prosperous year working in the “harvest”!

In conclusion, Pr Brendan Pratt spoke about consistency in pastoral ministry, and encouraged them to finish the race and to finish well.

“I am grateful that we got to meet face to face again,” said Justin, “and I’m praying we can keep doing so as Covid ebbs away. Thank you to all the speakers and attendees.“