Whitehorse Redevelopment
AdventCare has signed a building contract with SJ Higgins to undertake the major redevelopment of the aged care facility and the works will include:
- An additional 48 resident rooms to provide more capacity for the Church community
- New infrastructure including kitchen, laundry, staff training, café, private dining area
- An additional 50 car spaces and new entrance to the facility
The project will be finished in November 2022, with the 48 new beds coming online in May 2022. This is a significant development for AdventCare and will further enhance the future viability of the company, as well as expanding our services to the community.
New Warburton Units
Construction has commenced on eight new two-bedroom retirement units in Upper Blackwood Avenue, Warburton. These units will be situated on an elevated site which will afford magnificent views of the surrounding mountains. They will be built in two rows of four units and will include two bedrooms, two bathrooms and a garage. They will be ready for occupation in October 2021 and, being the first new retirement units in Warburton in many years, reflect the commitment of AdventCare to the local community.
Anyone interested in one of the units should contact Keith King, our Units Manager, on 9259 2106.
AdventCare and COVID-19
AdventCare has had in place for many years a sound emergency management plan and has been able to manage clinical outbreaks. During the COVID pandemic these systems were greatly enhanced and we are pleased to advise that there have been no COVID cases amongst any of our residents or staff. We screen our staff daily and test and isolate any residents and staff as a precaution and this has kept everyone safe.
We have at times restricted visiting to our aged care facilities in Nunawading and Warburton in response to the community conditions and we have supplemented this with Zoom and window visits to ensure residents and their families stay connected.
The Commonwealth has put in place a requirement that anyone [except for a few limited medical exceptions] visiting an aged care facility must have received the latest influenza vaccination. This requirement is mandatory and is likely to be extended in future flu seasons.
Regardless of the restrictions we have continued to allow special visiting on compassionate grounds and for end of life.
Vaccination of aged care residents and staff will begin in late February 2021 and will protect our people from this deadly virus.

Proposed units at Warburton