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People are curious, and God is working on their hearts, even if they don’t realise it – As Anna Schlegel discovers repeatedly in her Literature Evangelist work.
‘Adrian’ was interested in the Abundant Living series, but wanted his wife to see them first before committing. The conversation moved to spiritual themes. Adrian’s Christian upbringing had not led him to any particular depth of faith. So Anna described the contents of Desire of Ages and The Great Controversy, offering one as a free gift. With eagerness he chose The Great Controversy.
Another encounter showing how the Holy Spirit moves unknowingly in peoples hearts was at a house with a do not knock sign. Obeying the sign, Anna was turning away when the door burst open. ‘Mark’ was expecting a delivery man – which she was not! But the health-related purpose of the visit was explained. Mark felt he had it ‘all together’ there. Mentioning some of the spiritual books initiated a fascinating discussion of Mark’s beliefs about how humans were dropped on the planet by aliens. He had strong objections to Christians – with some doing things non-Christians wouldn’t contemplate… in the name of God. Examples from the Dark Ages were discussed, affirming Mark’s concerns. Then he was offered The Great Controversy and briefly told its contents. “Are you sure?” he questioned, not certain he could just take a book for free. ”My wife will love this book!” He appeared delighted. Anna left with the impression this man, who claimed he didn’t enjoy reading, would probably quiz his wife, as he had left no doubt about his interest in its contents!
And then there was ‘Ray’, a seven year old who filled in an enquiry card from the cover of a Bible Story display book left in a doctor’s waiting room. Although his mother is not particularly religious Ray is fascinated by God and often google searches about Him, Jesus, Heaven, prayer… When Geoff Wall visited in response to Ray’s card, his mother purchased the complete Bible Story set. Before leaving, Geoff, who at 77, loves that he can still work for the Lord in this way, prayed with the mother and son, and they were very happy to hear the words “Jesus is the centre of all hope.”
Please pray for our LEs and the lives they touch for the Lord

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