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News from the Mornington Peninsular Company

Joshua Dube is a doctor from Zimbabwe.  He wife Sarah would attend church each week with her three children but Joshua, who had walked away from his non-Adventist Christian faith, did not come.

Sarah requested Bible studies with the children, so the pastor, Peter Hughes visited the home, choosing a day that (praise God) turned out to be the day the father was rostered off, to study with the children .  Joshua would sometimes sit and listen to the study.   Sarah chose to be rebaptised, and Joshua attended.

A few months later, Joshua walked into our regular Sabbath service.  That same day, a lady who had been once or twice before and who had told us her doctor had recommended she come to our Church, happened to be there again.  The doctor was Joshua!

From the beginning when talking to him, Peter would say, “Things don’t happen by chance!”  Later Joshua told him some of the amazing ‘coincidences’, apart from meeting this patient, that had begun to happen around his understanding of God and faith, which had convicted him of his need to re-establish his faith.

Now Joshua is witnessing to his patients if an appropriate opportunity arises and he always prays silently for each patient while treating them.  Some of his patients have told him that his consultations are different and they don’t know why, they just are.
The Mornington Peninsula Company has begun a missionary outreach to Joshua’s family back in Zimbabwe in the hope of convicting his retired 87 year old father, who has just started attending a church, that the Adventist truth is the truth for this time.  They are raising funds to buy his father a computer.
Please pray for Joshua and his family in Zimbabwe, and for the Mornington Company as they continue to serve God and grow.

(pictured Left to right back row Shanelle, Joshua, Sarah, front Julia and Wellington at Shanelle’s graduation)