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Uncertainty seems to be a major feature of our lives these days.
Borders open. Borders closed. Churches closed. Churches open. Masks off. Masks on. Trips away. Rush to get back to Victoria. Anxious waiting for the rules to change so people can come home for those who didn’t make it…
There are so many moving parts that it’s impossible to plan significant events, like an in-person Big Camp, with any degree of certainty. What is the chance that we’d even be allowed to run an event with 1000’s of people not just worshipping together, but camping and sharing facilities over the Easter weekend? Will we be locked down at Easter time? Who knows?
So let’s focus on what we can do.
1. We’re encouraging smaller camps – whether at Easter or at another time of the year. Some may be by districts or just a local church. That planning will need to be done at a local level rather than on a Conference wide basis.
2. Virtual Big Camp for Victoria. I know. We’ve watched lots on-line. We love being together at Camp – but we’re focusing on what we can do… and we can provide a resource you can share with your friends – those who are believers and those who are seekers.
So, just for a moment, look at the advantages of a Virtual Big Camp: No dust. No wind. No rain. Great choice of food and it’s so easy to bring a friend. Great speakers. Something for everyone.
I’m so thankful for the commitment and resilience of our people in Victoria through these uncertain COVID days. We are blessed to have so many positive people who are looking for opportunities – within the guidelines – to do what they can to be faithful to our message and mission. Thank you for your dedication.
Hope you enjoy the Virtual Big Camp!

Pr Graeme Christian, Conference President