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Through your support and generosity you have helped address urgent needs in Australia and overseas. Thank you.

But let’s not stop because October is over!
Did you know?
• 1/ 200 Australians are homeless every night and 1/ 10 rely on food support.
Help ADRA provide emergency food packs, safe shelter and counselling to Australians in need. [Source: Homelessness Australia]
• 34.6% of Papua New Guineans lack access to basic education with 4/10 people are unemployed.
Help ADRA enable children to return to school and adults to gain basic literacy skills for improved quality of life. [Source: National Research Institute]
• 1/3 Australian women over the age of 15 report experiencing physical or sexual violence.
Help women be safe and rebuild their and their children’s lives through ADRA’s Women Refuges. Source: White Ribbon Australia]
• 1/10 children in Timor Leste die because of diarrhoea, with 90% of people in the communities in which ADRA works not having direct access to clean water.
Help ADRA prevent illness and death by providing access to clean water and improved hygiene. Source: White Ribbon Australia]
• 1/3 girls in Vanuatu say they have been sexually abused as children, with the teenage pregnancy rate being 6% to 8%. The teenage pregnancy rate in Australia is 1.6%.
Help ADRA prevent unwanted pregnancies, support young mothers and ensure that babies receive appropriate care. [Source: Vanuatu Women’s Centre, 2011]
• 80% of Syrian refugee children do not attend school in Lebanon.

Help ADRA to ensure vulnerable children reclaim their childhood by attending school and better integrating in their local community. [UNHCR, 2014]
While we collect in October for the ADRA Appeal, the funds support local and overseas projects to operate all year round and you can continue supporting all year round too through volunteering your time, and being the hands and feet of Jesus.