This is a place to: Read the Bible
Care for others through positive actions and prayers
Become closer to each other and Jesus.
For Childrens Sabbath School please go to the Childrens Ministries Page
Sabbath School is where we come together in the quest to know Jesus and the Bible better. In discussion groups, and through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, we can help one another answer the questions we have.
Sabbath School has four main objectives:
1. Bible Study
2. Fellowship Development
3. Community Outreach
4. World Mission.

Using the Discovery Bible Reading process: to Ask, Analyse and Apply, we follow these simple steps while in small study groups:
- Ask for the Holy Spirit to guide us.
- Looking closely at the Bible we analyse its message.
- When we find what Jesus wants us to know and do, we can then help each other live as He teaches — apply.
Jesus created us to be social, not just individuals. We need interaction with others in order to enjoy life to its maximum — socially, physically, mentally and spiritually. Sabbath School Groups enable this interaction: we get to know each other better and then how we can help each other via prayer and other ways to care.
Sabbath School Groups will want to discuss the needs of their local community, and look at how they can meet those needs. Joining with other groups in the church and combining resources.

The World Church promotes its international mission programs through Sabbath School. This is done by video presentations and reading materials. We are then able to support these programs by our financial gifts; and if inspired to do so, organise an overseas activity of our own.

The South Pacific Division (SPD) has some fantastic resources available for us to benefit from:
This one page document gives an outline for the Sabbath School Hour. Great and Simple!
Here the essentials of following a group Bible discussion is outlined. There is a short video on explaining how to use the DBR method of Bible study as well. Enjoy!
Every Sabbath School Lesson has a short introductory video (3 to 4 minutes) which can be shown before to going into Study Groups. These summarise the goal of the lesson and also raise questions and answers to help with the study.
Mission Spotlight Videos are also provided to guide us in the World Mission offerings for each quarter.
Victorian Conference Adult Sabbath School Resources
Group Study Guides are produced weekly here in Victoria in order to make the role of being a Group Discussion Facilitator easy. These provide the biblical text from a simple to read Bible version (Contemporary English Version) and questions designed to analyse each passage. To receive a pdf copy of this guide, request it by sending our Departmental Assistant an email.
You can buy Lesson Books through your local church ABC secretary or at any Adventist Book Centre (ABC) or online.
The Adult Bible Study Guide can be also be found for free online.
Other Sabbath School apps for phones or tablets can also be found in a variety of places (try your App Store for details).
WaymakerTV, is a weekly video series looking at the current week’s lesson, and produced here in Australia. Subscribe so you dont miss out.
InVerse is the Bible study guide for young adults. With video discussions each week on Hope TV, podcasts, study guides and other resources.
In Victoria we have a Sabbath School Director and Assistant. Please feel free to contact us for more information or advice. We’d love to hear from you!
Pr. Russell Bryan
Glenda Locop
Departmental Assistant