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The recent events in the USA where a man, George Floyd, was killed by a police officer have caused many to feel angered, saddened, and frustrated at the injustice of this death. Many are heavyhearted after watching such an atrocious act on their screens. A man pleading for air who just wanted to breathe. The sense of powerlessness is indeed real.

We feel for those who are mourning and especially for his family. We also pray for the entire country. May God’s Spirit impress the minds and hearts of all to be more like Christ.

In Australia, we too are not exempt from similar issues, and as followers of Jesus we speak against a spirit of racism and of hate.

As followers of Jesus we are called to create spaces where people can breathe freely in every way and feel free from prejudice, burdens and sin.

As followers of Jesus we are called to create environments where others may feel loved, wanted and reconciled in a spirit of unity.

May our hearts be tender and ready to be agents of change in our community and in our country. The need to be more like Christ is needed in our midst as never before.

Pr. Jorge Munoz
Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia