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As of yesterday, Cveta Bakov is now a lady of leisure. Thursday was her last day at the Conference Office, finally taking retirement after having been a part of the office staff for 24 years.
She is looking forward to doing many different things including some that have been on hold for a little while and says some travel will be great!
“Cveta has long been an extremely valuable part of the Victorian Conference Office team. Not only has her wisdom, experience and expertise served numerous Administration teams well over the years, but her passion and loyalty for the Adventist Church as well as her cheerful positive disposition have helped to make the office a pleasant environment for all to work in. We wish her all the best as she transitions into a well earned retirement.” Craig Gillis, Conference Secretary.
“Cveta’s contributed so much, and as she retires, she’ll be widely missed, not only by her Conference office family, but by the many church members who know her for her dedication, commitment and her personable way of getting things done. Well done, Cveta. We wish you God’s blessing and a wonderful retirement.” Graeme Christian, Conference President.