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Caring for Students During Remote Learning  

Many Edinburgh College students received a ‘care’ package during the recent lock down to encourage them to keep doing their best during such an unusual time.   

The Secondary wellbeing team personally delivered care packs to Year 7’s in their homes to thank them and their families for their commitment to 8 weeks of online learning during lockdown. Chaplain, Jamie Stanley, said it was such a small gesture from the College in comparison to the huge sacrifice it has been for some of the families to ensure their child’s learning was supported throughout this time. The packages were very much appreciated by the families.  

“We would just like to say a huge thank you for the lovely gift that has been passed onto our family from the staff and wellbeing team at Edinburgh College.  It has been greatly appreciated at a time when we have all been struggling.”  






Welcome Back to School 

The flag is flying high once again at Edinburgh College with all students back learning on campus. The red carpet was rolled to welcome students from Years 3 to 9 back after eleven weeks of remote learning. Sesame Street characters, Elmo, Cookie Monster and Big Bird were on board late in May to welcome back students from Prep, 1 and 2 and Years 10 to 12. It was a big event for all students who, along with staff, are very pleased to be back on campus learning together.

Providing own water, temperature checks and hand sanitising on arrival to school is now the new norm. 

Edinburgh ELC Enjoy the Mud & Rain 

Cold, rainy days do not deter the ELC students from getting out in their all-weather suits to enjoy exploring the campus and playing. 

The Green Room students checking on their vegetable gardens and having fun in some mud and puddles.