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More than in other parts of the community the aged care sector has been hit in a bad way during COVID. Here at AdventCare Whitehorse (ACW), residents and staff have had to endure a number of hardships. Family and friends have not been able to visit in person, leaving many residents feeling anxious and lonely. Staff have had to work extra hours doing double shifts to make up for colleagues in isolation. Everyone has felt the pressure!

Sadly, this has also meant that worship programs have suffered too, on Sabbaths in particular. Thank the Lord times are changing!

During the first quarter of the year formal worship on Sabbath has resumed at ACW. Karin Watts and her team from the Nunawading church have been providing a wonderful service to the residents. Appreciation is heard every week for this! Sabbath afternoon programs are also beginning to happen too.

On the 9th April veteran pianist, Romney King, together with Antionette Mobray on violin, gave a wonderful musical concert. The audience loved it! Romney will be back later in the year, and he’s promising to bring more talent with him. There are also others who are booking in to take these afternoon programs.

If you or your church would like to help out in preaching at AdventCare Whitehorse, or doing an afternoon program, you’d be most welcome. Just get in touch with Russell Bryan, Chaplain at ACW – email: [email protected]

Russell Bryan

Sabbath School Director & AdventCare Chaplain