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“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11 NIV

Why do we lock away our valuables? Why do we hide precious possessions in safes and vault boxes? We don’t want anyone to steal what is so valuable to us. We go to great lengths to secure our most expensive assets.

Is there anything more important to you than the very words of God? To what lengths would you go to secure His words within you? We should not let people, busyness or other distractions steal away the Word of God in our lives.

How can we “hide” or “treasure” God’s Word in our hearts? Spend a minute or two each day memorizing a portion of Scripture. You can focus on different passages that relate to a similar topic. Or perhaps you can memorize a whole chapter by adding one verse each day.

A good place to start is memorizing the promises of God. Begin hiding God’s Word in your heart today!
