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Victorian Adventist Adult Singles

VAAS exists to provide a ministry of encouragement, support and nurture for single adults within the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Victoria… 

About Us...

All individuals are equal in God’s sight. This individuality is precious. It is often on single people that many of the great enterprises are built. Singleness is not a problem to God and should not be to the church. There is nothing in scripture or in psychology to suggest that being unmarried is a bad idea. In fact there are examples in both Scripture and secular history that show the effectiveness and power of the single life. 

Community is essential for those of us who are single as well as for those who are married. In community we live connected, fruitful and supported lives. All of us are created to be interdependent and connected with one another. Our search for wholeness is not necessarily fulfilled in another person but all of us are healthier when we are supported and help one another. It is sometimes said or implied that marriage is the cure for loneliness. Married couples however know that loneliness and disconnection can be part of the landscape of marriage; it is not peculiar to singles.

God’s saving grace operates on a one-on-one basis. Jesus showed great respect for the one-person audience. As Adventist Christians we believe in the potential, power and priority of one.

The gospel allows for both singleness and marriage as valid options for adult living, including ministry as single persons like Jesus and the apostle Paul (1Cor. 7:7, 8). While some, by choice or circumstance, are single, they may experience wholeness as individuals, connect with others through family and friends, and bring glory to God as single men and women (Matt. 19:12; Mark 3:33-35; 1 Cor. 7:7, 8)

Unfortunately the term ‘singles’ has negative connotations for some church members. They view singles as a group of high-needs people frantically looking for a partner, and any singles event as a marriage-partner market.  This image isn’t accurate at all, but seems to linger.  Some singles are reluctant to attend organised events for singles because they believe they will be considered “losers.”  There are also some who have expressed nervousness about having single women or men at church events (especially social programs) because of their perceived fears that singles will be a risk and a temptation to those who are already married.

There is also some research that suggests over half of those who separate leave our church, which means we lose many of our singles from church membership.

VAAS operates as part of the Division wide Adventist Singles Network.

We provide a blend of social and spiritual activities where single adults can meet, associate and worship together in an atmosphere that recognises and affirms Christian values. We also provide a forum for single adults in which their common concerns can be heard, shared and addressed. We offer acceptance and support for single adults experiencing loneliness and loss. VASS desires to empower individuals to see their God given potential and rediscover their value.

Come and join in our monthly activities. Look for details in each month’s Intravic. We look forward to meeting you and making you feel welcome.

Committee Members


Cherryl Martens

0411 481 930

VAAS PO Box 907 Lilydale Vic 3140


Mark Wlodarczyk

0419 499 992

Carol Fehlberg

0457 043 666

Wayne Hurst

0400 866 020

Get in touch

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