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How can they know… if nobody tells them? 

Romans 10:14


Sharing with you a selection of local and visiting artists praising our loving God through music and song. May you be drawn closer to Him as you participate in praise – may you experience His love… coming from us to you…

Unison Trio

 I should have been

Natasha jakowlew

You Never Let Go


To See The Need

Big Camp

Each year, church members from around Victoria gather together at Elmore over the Easter weekend for a time of fellowship and worship, with guest speakers and programs catering to to all ages.  It is a great family weekend and here we share some of the Annual Elmore Convention experience with you.

View videos of previous years here:

2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Church Online

Unable to attend but would still like to be a part of a church family this Sabbath?   A number of our churches share their church services via live streaming, so please join in…  Click here to select your church

Inspiring Sermons

Sermons collected from various programs around the Conference and local churches


Born out of a desire to reach secular people who have no idea about the Bible and no notion of the prophetic book of Revelation, this series looks at the big picture of Revelation, making it applicable and relevant to every day life.
“ARNION reminds us that the Lamb MUST be central to everything we do, including the way we interpret and communicate the message found in Revelation.  Looking at the big picture of the cosmic conflict between Christ and Satan represents a unique way of connecting God’s view of history to our human need for answers to existential questions.”  Gerald Klingbeil, Adventist Review

The Table

At The Table is where we share, laugh and dream. Real women, real conversations, real issues. It’s where you’ll find information on family, health and spirituality, but most of all, a community doing motherhood together.

>>> Visit ‘The Table’ website

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