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Have you been thinking you’d like a change?  Would you like to serve God in a new mission-field and improve your quality of life at the same time?

Millennials have been recognising the benefits of life in regional centres for some time and there has been a steady exodus of this age group out of our capital cities.[i]  However, it’s not just young people who recognise the benefits of moving to regional Victoria. David and Linda Boschen moved to Warrnambool three years ago for lifestyle reasons and both agree that they have been really blessed by the decision. In fact, they are now convinced that God placed them here to support the work of the local Adventist church. Our church members would all agree.

Linda and David currently lead out with JETS sabbath school, help out on the audio-visual desk, and care for the church library along with anything else they are asked to do. Linda reflects, “my walk with God is better now because I’m more involved.” David agrees. He’s naturally a quiet person but says that being part of a smaller church has forced him to “get out of his comfort zone and to step up”. This has caused him to “grow more spiritually in the last few years than all the years previously”.

Warrnambool is a picturesque, beach-side city which lies at the end of the Great Ocean Road and is an easy three-hour drive from Melbourne. In 2019, Warrnambool was named Australia’s most liveable city.[ii] This award was given because of its community focus, stunning accessible beaches and natural environment, excellent job prospects, high quality health services, great educational facilities, affordable homes, no traffic congestion and a real feeling of safety.

Like so many areas across our state, Warrnambool and the South West are poised for Kingdom growth. However, as in Matthew 9:37, this region could do with a few more workers to help with the harvest. Whether its Portland, Warrnambool, Camperdown, or Colac you could make a huge difference supporting our churches in any one of these regional centres.

Think back to the original self-supporting missionaries, Priscilla and Aquila. They were tentmakers who plied their trade while helping to grow a number of churches all the way from Ephesus, in present-day Turkey, to Corinth in Greece and on as far west as Rome. They supported and consolidated the work of the Apostle Paul who referred to them as “my helpers in Christ”.[iii] The growth of the early Christian church hinged on the ministry of this faithful couple and many others like them.

The same is true today. The Lord of the harvest is calling each one of us to get out of our comfort zone and step up for him. Where is he calling you?

Steve Piez

Pastor Steve Piez currently lives in Port Fairy and is Pastor for the Warrnambool and Camperdown Adventist Churches.



[iii] Romans 16:3-4