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She would have loved to be able to walk to her neighbours’ home and share the story of Jesus but physically she couldn’t. She would have enjoyed feeling the breeze in her hair as she letterboxed advertising for the up-coming Prophecy Today meetings, but her health wouldn’t allow it.
Not to be discouraged, she picked up the phone book and selected 5 or 6 names – at random, people she didn’t know and hadn’t even met. Then she prayed for them. Regularly. By name. Every day, through out that day.
That’s the way I heard the story as Pr Yves Monnier from It is Written led us in planning who we can pray for.
And then, when the Prophecy Today meetings were held in her area, five of those she’d been praying for came to know Jesus, and were baptised. Could God do that that in Victoria? If His people pray?
So who are you praying for? There are plenty of possibilities – neighbours, friends, family.
You’ve probably heard the same news I have about population growth. Melbourne’s population has now gone north of the 5 million mark – urban sprawl is a current reality. It is reported that Melbourne now has attracted the largest proportion of international immigrants of any Australian city, although interstate migration is still a major factor.
Victoria really is a mission field! So who does your mission field consist of?
Queenslanders, tired of all those sunny days? Or are they from NSW? Maybe some New Zealanders who’ve snuck in, and I’m sure there are some from various parts of Asia, and other parts of the world. Of course, some were born in Victoria!
Whoever they are, they live in your street – don’t they? But how can we ever reach them? How will they ever know Jesus?
Now I reckon that’s the challenging part! Wherever they’re from, I can’t help but wonder, do they know that Jesus is coming again? And I think I know the answer.
Jesus said to make disciples of all nations. Wherever we live in Victoria, we barely have to leave home to have that opportunity. Business as usual won’t achieve what Jesus was talking about. He was the one who said the harvest is plentiful – but the labourers are few. Then He said to pray that God would send out reapers. Jesus said to start praying – and there is no shortage of people in Victoria!
Who are YOU praying for?