Adventist Women Victoria
The Department of Women’s Ministries exists to uphold, encourage, and challenge Adventist women in their pilgrimage as disciples of Jesus Christ and members of His world church.
Jesus entered this world through a strong, faithful woman. When God created the earth, He placed a woman in the Garden of Eden to accompany the man. Women have made and continue to make a difference in all our lives. Mary, Rebecca, Ruth, Rachel… they provided stories through the ages to the women who followed. They remind us that God made us in His image.
Women have many different needs. The Adventist Women Victoria team is keen to address those needs, whether they be physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or social.
We aim to provide a support system that addresses issues as they affect women in and out of the church. We want to encourage women to meet their greatest potential in Christ. This can be achieved in many ways. We promote programs, retreats and seminars to train, equip and strengthen women to be more effective in their ministry in the church, home and community.
A Ministry for Every Woman
We exist to minister to women.
Our goal is to inspire, empower and encourage women to share the love of Jesus, by meeting women where they are at. We want to touch their hearts through knowing Jesus, so they can be the best mother, daughter, work colleague, leader, wife, sister, friend or grandmother that they can be.
We want to to create moments in time, where we can all grow, be encouraged, mentored, and transformed so we can lead others to Christ, through the Word and through prayer.
Partnership with something bigger is important to us, and we promote the global initiatives International Day of Prayer, Women’s Emphasis Day and ENDitNOW Abuse Prevention Emphasis Day (Resources at the bottom of the page). We also partner with more local causes, as we believe that living is also about giving.
Please contact us for more information or if you have any questions about what we offer and how you can be involved.
Adventist Women Victoria prefers not to run events or programs, but to host experiences!
Experiences where women are given an opportunity to explore who they are, how they can be the best they can be, but also how to disciple and lead others to Christ through sharing their faith.
Here we share with you photographic highlights and recordings of past events, and will continue to add to this collection each year.
We hold this event near the start of the year because we want to start the year uplifting every woman through praise, prayer and testimony. Reaching up to God is the beginning of every woman’s journey.
The first Uplift program was in 2019 and it has continued to grow. Look out for this event and join us for a day of music, shared testimonies from local women and practical prayer through self-directed activities and small groups.
“I can’t thank you enough for the blessing of today – if only every Sabbath could be like this
(maybe in heaven)!”
2021 saw the inaugural Impact rally take place in Melbourne’s CBD. This brand-new event, held in late Autumn and run for young professional women aged 18-35, is an afternoon program focusing on issues specific to young women, connecting with one another and personal spiritual growth through music, workshops and fellowship.
“Cosy, uplifted, excellent transport options, and my biggest takeaway is that God’s grace is greater than the sin in my life and He has a special purpose just for me!”
RENEW is our Women and Teen Girls Conference – a weekend full of good food, making new friends, worshiping together and being inspired by the message brought to us by our special guest speaker.
This event has outgrown its facilities a number of times over the years. So gather the girls – friends, sisters, daughters, mums, aunties, grandmas, the neighbours – EVERYONE! And join us at Philip Island for a blessed time together in August.
“I loved it, just want to encourage you as organisers and say a big thank you for all your work – thanks for all the fun on Saturday night with the pyjamas, movie and funny hat contest! Loved, loved, loved the awesome music – going home with songs in my heart.”
Our final event for the year is focused on our teen girls.
PURSUIT is a weekend event where the girls can go away together to make new friends, worship together and discuss topics that are central to where they are in life – much fun and laughter is had along the way!
“I really enjoyed the openness of the facilitators and felt safe being myself as we did workshops together and played games – it was really fun!”
Below you’ll find videos and photos from recent events
Hope and Joy found in the Life of Mary – RENEW 2020
Session 1 The promise of Jesus – Mary’s life in Nazareth with Maree Worker
Session 2 The Birth of Jesus -Mary’s Life in Bethlehem with Sylvia Mendez
Session 3 Mary’s life surrounding her son’s death and resurrection with Tarnya Garner
Click on the topics below
We are here to help all women in local church, spiritually, mentally, and emotionally. We are here to empower, to encourage, to grow and to mentor women, so that they can be the best and most complete godly woman they can be.
Tarnya Garner

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