Are you looking for ways to share Jesus, and to build confidence speaking with people?
The Literature Ministries team in Victoria invites you to join one of the up-coming Youth Rush events.
Youth Rush is an exciting 2-week Literature Evangelism program designed for young people aged 16-30.
Every school/uni holidays, groups of young people around Australia go out to the cities and towns, meeting people and sharing books that meet their needs and point them to Jesus. Youth Rush programs develop skills in faith-sharing, community engagement and personal development, all while expanding the Kingdom of God, making new friends, and strengthening our faith.

Free accommodation & meals

Free training

Easy canvass to learn to share great books in the community
Youth Rush offers specialised training and mentoring in offering books for a donation, with titles focused on topics of physical, mental and spiritual health.
Each day is filled with worship, training, meeting new friends, and sharing literature door-to-door. Weekends are for relaxing, having fun and sharing different experiences with each other. Here’s some testimonies shared by the December 2023 Bendigo Youth Rush team:
I’m more confident in talking to others about God. Experiencing LE work has strengthened my walk with Jesus even more. God is AMAZING!”
“The highlight of the program was being on the doors. Being able to share God and have conversations with people. There are so many people out there who need connection.”
The highlight of the program for me was seeing God work in other people’s lives, whether it was others or my own.”
“Building resilience by going on the doors with prayer and relying on God is a privilege.”
“I was encouraged by our daily prayer buddy system and goal-setting. It was great to share our testimonies each night as well as each Sabbath. Loved the local sight-seeing too; these were good suprises. I can’t go back to the way I was!”
“I loved doing both homes and businesses. I also liked testimony time in the evenings and Sunday activities. ”
“The canvass memorization techniques were really helpful.”
“Give it a go; you never know whose door you are going to knock on, and the eternal results.”
“It has opened my eyes to what ministry can look like and how important human connection is.”
Literature Evangelism in Australia is supported by Adventist Media in the South Pacific Division. Additional helpful information about other Youth Rush programs across Australia can be accessed at https://literatureministry.info/youth-rush/
Want to know more? Contact:
Pastor Andrew Jasper, Victorian Conference Personal Ministries Director on [email protected]
Or Sandy Wallis, Vic. Conf. Literature Ministries Leader on [email protected] or phone 0413 461106