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Colac Church Celebrates First Baptism in 10 Years

Colac Church Celebrates First Baptism in 10 Years

Michael first came to Colac Church in 2019, after Pr. Tau Poasa stumbled across his house while visiting the local neighborhood. Over the years, Colac has been active in planting seeds in the local community. “I was talking to a man who was mowing his lawn but for...
Casey Church Baptisms

Casey Church Baptisms

At Casey Church this year we have had many reasons to celebrate, particularly 8 reasons.  That is 8 people who made a decision to get baptised. Earlier in the year we celebrated three of our young people who made decisions at summer camps in early 2020.  In...
Ballarat Care Group for Young Families

Ballarat Care Group for Young Families

Intern Minster Eric Johnson at Ballarat Church felt impressed to start a care group for young families after his own experience with his two young children. “I realised after a few nightly meetings how often young families would need to decline nightly Bible studies...
MASDAC Youth farewell Pr. Josh Wood

MASDAC Youth farewell Pr. Josh Wood

On Friday the 26th of November, youth from Melbourne Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a farewell party for Pr. Josh Wood as he moves into his new role as Trust Services Director at the Victorian Conference. With over 20 youth gathered at the Church, special...

Constituency Meeting 2021

Pr. Graeme Christian, president of the Victorian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, opened the 96th Constituency Meeting on Sunday morning for the first time on Zoom to over 300 participants.  The meeting started with Pr. Terry Johnson, the newly...
What We Look Like Now…

What We Look Like Now…

The beginning of the pandemic found Mildura SDA church with a new pastor at helm, a significant computer illiterate segment of membership, and a good number of members with a language barrier, thus further complicating communication, sharing of information, and...