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Welcoming Mark Guite

Welcoming Mark Guite

Thang, who goes by the name Mark, has joined our pastoral team in 2021 as an intern. His wife’s name is Niang Piand their daughter is Nunnuam, who is 4 and their two year old son is Zamung. Mark finished his undergraduate course (Business Admin-Major and...
Paul’s Story

Paul’s Story

Paul’s journey, that eventually found him standing in front of his church, giving his personal testimony at his baptism, has been a long one.  Finding God has helped him reflect on his past, and he now has a better understanding of the things he went through...
Celebrating New Life in Christ

Celebrating New Life in Christ

The church communities of Dandenong Filipino Church and Clyde Connect were praising God together yet again…  This time as seven of their young people followed their Saviour in baptism.  The celebration was again at the church in Hutton St and of the seven, four...
Welcome to the team, Evonn

Welcome to the team, Evonn

Evonn Reyno joins the pastoral team as a lay pastor. Born and raised in the southern region of Philippines., he earned his degree in Theology from Mountain View College.  He moved to Loma Linda, California after graduation and as part of his transitioning into the...
Korey’s Testimony

Korey’s Testimony

On February 27, 2021, Church members at Dandenong Filipino Church celebrated to witness Simon Jackman’s profession of faith and Korey Abrahams’ baptism. Korey, who will be worshipping with the Clyde Connect congregation, studied the Bible with Irene Chee,...
Growing Together 2021

Growing Together 2021

The first summit of Growing Together for 2021 was held last Sabbath at the AUC conference centre in Ringwood. This is the second year of an initial two year Australia-wide cohort for local churches. Jake Mulder, co-author of Growing Young directed the key sessions...