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What Do You Think: Episode, Waymaker.TV March 14th A recent study by Australian astronomers estimated that there are over 70 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars in the galaxy. That’s 70 sextillion stars, 7 followed by 22 zeros, or 70,000 million, million, million. The...
Bushfire Relief Conference

Bushfire Relief Conference

Friends and family at Burwood Adventist Community Church gathered together last Saturday evening for a time of food, fun, fellowship and music, raising $10,510.20 for bushfire relief! The funds will go to ADRA Australia to help bushfire victims in regional Victoria,...
Pastoral Team Farewells

Pastoral Team Farewells

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to members of our ministerial team. Some have accepted calls to other Conferences, both in Australia and elsewhere. Others are retiring (or re-retiring!) or following God’s call into different areas of life. They have been...

VAAS Members…

What a wonderful time the 70 people who attended our weekend retreat at Elkanah had. It was such a rich blessing to listen to Gary Kent speak on archaeological discoveries that prove the Bible is accurate and prophecies true, and that we can know that there is a...