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Canberra Trip

Canberra Trip

Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed a fantastic trip to Canberra. Students visited the CSIRO, climbed Mount Ainslie and explored the Australian Institute of Sport. They toured Parliament House, the Museum of Australian Democracy, the Royal Australian Mint and the War...
ADRA Welding Initiative

ADRA Welding Initiative

A pilot welding initiative (Chisholm Skills and Jobs Centre, Job Prospects, Department of Justice) will provide intensive job-ready training for former offenders, making outdoor chairs for the garden at the Springvale South ADRA Community Centre. Participants will...
Soul Food Kitchen

Soul Food Kitchen

After a year of meetings with Cardinia Shire Council, Angela Makiru from Cranbourne Adventist Church has secured council premises to operate her Café – Soul Food Kitchen. The submission to council was a joint proposal between ADRA and Soul Food to operate a facility...
Desire of Ages & the Great Controversy

Desire of Ages & the Great Controversy

Gino answered the door and his interest was captured. Having reached the ripe age of 81, he was keen to discuss his past health issues and their management. We moved onto the Family Bible and he told how his family would sit around the radio in the evening until the...
Pastors’ Retreat

Pastors’ Retreat

Victorian Pastors were richly blessed as they met together for three days in March. The retreat provided a time for pastors to fellowship, spend time in the Bible together, engage in wide ranging discussions and pray together. Jerry and Janet Page, from the General...

A Collaborative Effort

Through a collaboration with the Nuer Community, Taskforce, Afri-Aus Care and the Victorian Police a further $50,000 will support the community development activities at the ADRA Community Centre at Springvale and the South–East Community Links with the following: 1....