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ADRA Director for Victoria, Rebecca Auriant shares with us some experiences from an ADRA Connections trip and some images of local church members collecting for the annual ADRA appeal…

Latest in Education News

We welome new staff to ASV, as well as congratulate another who has been selected for the Google Innovator program, and there are employment opportunites within our education system
Administration Update

Administration Update

As I write this update on Conference news, I’m enjoying the recollections of recent events – the memories are positive – so let me share them with you. AdventCare Yarra Ranges Opening Thursday 26 October started like any other day but for anyone who was part of the...
Road to Bethlehem

Road to Bethlehem

Responding to God’s Call Road to Bethlehem The RTB team received a call from a lady who was on her way home from the funeral of a friend. She wanted to share what the minister presiding over the funeral had told the mourners. The friend nearly didn’t go to...
Women’s Ministries Changeover

Women’s Ministries Changeover

Women’s Ministries is an active and growing department. With an annual conference, leadership and outreach training, seminars and workshops, a young girls conference and fundraising opportunities, this department helps women lift up Christ in their home and...
Sharing the Word in our Karen Community

Sharing the Word in our Karen Community

The Werribee congregation recently hosted an outreach series for the wider community. Members from as far away as Bendigo supported the program which saw a number of people from other denominations and the surrounding neighbourhoods attend. There was an average...