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2022 Pastoral Staffing Update

2022 Pastoral Staffing Update

Welcome to 2022 ! I’m so grateful for the pastors who have served over the last couple of years. It’s been challenging but they have responded and followed Gods call to work in the harvest faithfully! We have even expanded our team a little this year to meet new...

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Road To Bethlehem – A Month on the Road

Road To Bethlehem – A Month on the Road

What a story it must have made for generations to come. I imagine as time went on, the family would talk about when great grandad was a boy, he shared his five loaves and two fishes with Jesus and 5,000 people where fed! A seemingly ordinary kid (albeit exceptionally...

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AdventCare Update

AdventCare Update

AdventCare2021 has been a challenging year for the aged care industry and AdventCare has managed to maintain its services and high occupancy due to great work from all our staff and with the support of the community. Like other businesses we have seen some staff...

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ADRA Updates

ADRA Updates

A Life of Service"On the 16th of December 2021, our volunteer managers received a box of cookies to thank them for their year of service. The cookies (including an ADRA one) were made with love from the Support 4 Employment NDIS students. Leon is our Volunteer Housing...

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Summer Camp 2022

Summer Camp 2022

2022 Summer Camps, well, 2022 Summer Camp – almost! It was with an air of anticipation and apprehension that the staff met the night before GAP camp (16–18-year-olds). As we got to know each other and discuss our roles and responsibilities, I realised that the fact we...

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More Than Just Survivors

More Than Just Survivors

When you think of the word ‘survivor’ what kind of person comes to mind? Typically, we imagine someone like Bear Grylls, Aron Ralston, or Hugh Glass. These people are portrayed as rough, and tough, using sheer determination and grit to get through their situation....

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Ordination of Manuel Tikulin

Ordination of Manuel Tikulin

On the 12th of February Manuel Tikulin was ordained as a minister at the St. Albans Croatian Church by Pastor Graeme Christian. Manuel accepted the call to ministry after three people suggested that he think about becoming a minister. Recognizing that this was God...

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MASDAC Church Welcomes Jonathon Gillard

MASDAC Church Welcomes Jonathon Gillard

MASDAC Church welcomed Associate Pastor Jonathon Gillard and his wife Catherine on the 12th of February.  Jonathon has spent the last few years serving as chaplain for Gilson College, and before that, serving as a pastor in Queenstown. Catherine is a secondary...

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Bairnsdale Welcomes Pr. Rian Van Deventer

On Sabbath 8th January 2022 Bairnsdale Seventh-day Adventist church welcomed their new pastor and his family to a worship service. The Victorian Conference called Rian Van Deventer from his ministry in North New Zealand however, due to COVID-19 his arrival was delayed...

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Werribee Baptisms

Werribee Baptisms

On the 15th of January our congregation was blessed with baptising six candidates, all of whom have sought to give their lives to Christ. Significantly, the baptisms were the first baptisms in our new church, an emotional event, given the years our congregation has...

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God Led the Way – Road to Bethlehem Mildura

It was mid-2020 and the RtB Executive team in Mildura were able to meet in between lockdowns. Below is an excerpt from our Agenda. Do we cancel?Do we go online?Can we even do this? Cancelling was not an option, and it was felt that an online event would not be popular...

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Lilydale Church Celebrates Six Baptisms

On the 18th of December, Lilydale Church celebrated six baptisms! We have summarized their testimonies for you. Congratulations to our new church members for making this very special decision. When asked about how he came to know Jesus, Matt Gaydon described the...

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Casey Church Baptisms

Casey Church Baptisms

At Casey Church this year we have had many reasons to celebrate, particularly 8 reasons.  That is 8 people who made a decision to get baptised. Earlier in the year we celebrated three of our young people who made decisions at summer camps in early 2020.  In...

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Ballarat Care Group for Young Families

Ballarat Care Group for Young Families

Intern Minster Eric Johnson at Ballarat Church felt impressed to start a care group for young families after his own experience with his two young children. “I realised after a few nightly meetings how often young families would need to decline nightly Bible studies...

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MASDAC Youth farewell Pr. Josh Wood

MASDAC Youth farewell Pr. Josh Wood

On Friday the 26th of November, youth from Melbourne Asian Seventh-day Adventist Church hosted a farewell party for Pr. Josh Wood as he moves into his new role as Trust Services Director at the Victorian Conference. With over 20 youth gathered at the Church, special...

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Constituency Meeting 2021

Pr. Graeme Christian, president of the Victorian Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, opened the 96th Constituency Meeting on Sunday morning for the first time on Zoom to over 300 participants.  The meeting started with Pr. Terry Johnson, the newly...

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What We Look Like Now…

What We Look Like Now…

The beginning of the pandemic found Mildura SDA church with a new pastor at helm, a significant computer illiterate segment of membership, and a good number of members with a language barrier, thus further complicating communication, sharing of information, and...

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What we Learnt – Ringwood Church

What we Learnt – Ringwood Church

Some of the major changes Ringwood Church undertook in 2020 was its technological growth and embracing social media platforms. Ministerial activities continued but were delivered by these 'new' platforms so the learning curve was rapid! Finding innovative ways of...

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How We’ve Changed – North Fitzroy

How We’ve Changed – North Fitzroy

2020 really put into perspective the bare minimum requirements of what ‘church’ looks like and helped us align our activities. We found a renewed focus on the Sabbath School time, not simply from a study perspective, but from a pastoral care perspective too. In 2021,...

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How 2021 began for the Upper Room @ MASDAC

How 2021 began for the Upper Room @ MASDAC

Our church building really helped us launch back quickly and safely. We’re one of the only Adventist churches we know of with an undercover, slightly inclined carpark and so we jumped at the opportunity to gather together again, albeit with social distancing and...

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What We are Doing Differently – Sale

What We are Doing Differently – Sale

Sale church has continued to reach out to the Sale community through a Foodbank program called 747. This ministry has continued throughout most of the lockdown and is a vital part of Sale church with many members involved and helping. We also have people attending...

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What We Look Like Now – Robinvale

What We Look Like Now – Robinvale

Since the Covid-19 Church buildings closure, we had small group meetings going whenever permissible. Since the lockdowns, the small groups meetings have continued indefinitely, as these have met two main goals of meeting in language as well as reaching out to...

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