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An Online Testimony from VicYouth

An Online Testimony from VicYouth

People like being with people, even introverts!  When lockdowns started in March, no one knew how long they would last.  And in Melbourne, the duration certainly exceeded all expectations! This has proved to be a time where many have experienced feelings of...
VicYouth Leading the Way in the Tech Age!

VicYouth Leading the Way in the Tech Age!

When COVID struck at the beginning of 2020, VicYouth had already been using Zoom and/or other online platforms for two or three years for Pathfinder Advisory meetings.  Technologies like Skype and Hangouts made it possible for more remote and regional leaders to have...

Adventist Schools through COVID-19

Our schools have faced similar learning, teaching, infrastructure and technological challenges to all other schools here in Victoria.  It has been difficult, very time-consuming and emotionally draining for our teachers yet our schools have continued to offer high...


A report from Children’s Ministries Leader, Julie Catton. What a year!  There have been so many times when I’ve wondered if I’d been transported into some kind of action movie where there’s people trapped in their home during a pandemic while someone runs around...
ADRA in the Thick of It…

ADRA in the Thick of It…

As you can well imagine, ADRA has been… well… thriving, for want of a better word, throughout 2020.  While the circumstances have not been good – the homeless, the hungry, the hurting people – through God’s grace, relationships have been built, church members have...
Pavilions Blackburn Lake

Pavilions Blackburn Lake

Construction is progressing, despite the pandemic restrictions have greatly impacted site works. Both the workforce and supply chain have been significantly effected requiring the project team to adjust rapidly to the changed work environment.  Completion is forecast...