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What is Happening at the Conference?

The Conference Office may be largely uninhabited, however the work is still continuing. If anything, our staff have been busier than usual. Departmental leaders are e-meeting weekly to pray together, sharing the challenges their ministries are facing as they come up...
What Can You Do?

What Can You Do?

In many ways, Covid-19 has widened the gap between the haves and the have nots.  What can you do to help those around you? One member from Warragul Church, Calvin Mak, has found a way.  He delivers mobile devices to people on Sabbath morning, setting them up so they...
Helping the Socially Isolated

Helping the Socially Isolated

One person braves the risk and shops. Another cooks and leaves the food on the doorstep. A third pics it up, nods through the window and drives off to the next house. Soon after, two people meet in a carpark. They greet each other briefly, smiles no handshakes. Bags...
Marching Onward…

Marching Onward…

What an interesting start to the year it has been for our Pathfinder Clubs! We acknowledge the challenges each club has been facing regarding how they should navigate Pathfinders in 2020. Some clubs have cancelled all meetings, others have tried zoom meetings/google...
An update from VicYouth

An update from VicYouth

In March, we were excited as the planning for Big Camp and Pathfinder Expedition was coming together so smoothly. However, things changed overnight…and then they changed again! In keeping with current health advice, a number of our upcoming events have been...
For Such a Time as This..

For Such a Time as This..

Growing Together is not another program, completed after several workshops.  It is a journey for lasting cultural change; for health and vitality within our churches. Our Victorian Growing Together Cohort recently joined more than 170 other sites across Australia,...