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Mick’s testimony is a lesson to us all, on a number of levels. “I didn’t grow up in a Christian family,” he began, quickly adding “but I did attend Sunday School and I have always believed in God!”  Intriguing.  How did this come about?  “Sunday School was run by a...
Welcome to Victoria

Welcome to Victoria

James London, originally from Canada, has lived in Australia since 2006.  After graduating from Avondale in 2012, he spent eight years ministering in Northern Australia, before accepting the call to pastor the Wangaratta and Benalla congregations this year. He is...

Financial Report – Nov 2020

It is great that the Covid-19 restrictions are starting to lift in Melbourne. Hopefully by the time you are reading this, even more restrictions have been lifted. The Victorian Conference has been blessed by the faithfulness of its members during this time, in...