We are God’s Stewards, entrusted by Him with time, opportunities and abilities. We are called to manage all aspects of our lives, including finances, with Christian Ethics, transparency, and accountability.
About Us
It is sometimes uncomfortable to talk about but yes, God does want us to be faithful stewards of our finances. We have a duty to manage our income and assets in a way that glorifies God and helps accomplish His work. Paying tithe, giving generous offerings, supporting our local Adventist schools and providing for those less fortunate are all ways we can give back in monetary ways; to show our thankfulness and dedication to God. As Adventist Christians, our personal finances aren’t just our own responsibility.
The finance department here at the Conference takes this stewardship principle to heart, managing the finances of the Victorian Conference to make sure we have appropriate systems in place and are accountable and transparent, safeguarding our financial resources to support our Church’s mission.
Good stewardship of our limited financial resources is vitally important and we strive to ensure that as stewards we are consistent with best practice principles in accounting. We provide oversight, support, and training to our local church treasurers and strive to ensure accountability through internal audit and review of our local church financial reporting.
As we care for the finances of the Victorian Conference and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your financial contributions toward the work of our Church, as we partner together to share the story of Christ and what He did for Mankind.
local treasurer resources
Explanation of Special Offerings
Proceeds from this offering go toward the supply and distribution of the South Pacific Record to local church members.
Adventist Youth Offering
These funds are returned to the South Pacific division for use in youth sponsored porgrams throughout the Division.
Adventist World Radio
This offering goes toward the suport of the work, world wide, of Adventist World Radio.
Christian Services for the Blind
These proceeds are used throughout the South Pacific Division in services for the Blind.
World Mission Budget – Interdivision Employee Program
This offering is allocated to the General Conference in support of the interdivision employee program, world wide.
Union Offering
Each year a Union Offering is collected and goes to a specified project.
ADRA Disaster and Famine Relief
These funds are used to provide clothing, food, medical and other relief supplies, shipping costs, personnel and other activities associated with emergency need, for victims of major disasters caused by such events as earthquakes, famines, cyclones, floods, fires, war and civil strife.
Health Offering
50% of this offering remains within the Victorian Conference, supporting the health work here, and the remaining 50% goes to the Division for its health work.
Pacific Adventist University Offering
Money collected from this offering goes to support the needs of this educational institution.
This offering is used exclusively for the support of field ministers in the local missions of the Pacific Islands.
World Mission Budget – General
In suppport of the world church, these funds are allocated to the General Conference.
Adventist Media Evangelism
The proceeds of this offering are used in sup0port of the work of the Adventist Media Network.
Annual Sacrifice (Global Mission) Offering
These funds are used for the purpose of extending the missionary outreach of the Church into every part of the world, with special emphasis on the unreached territories of the world. This offering follows the Week of Prayer.
ADRA Annual Appeal Expense
The money collected from this offering is used for the promotion of the Annual ADRA Appeal and the supply of collection containers, sinage and safety vests. Contact our ADRA Coordinator, Rebecca Auriant, should you need any assistance with the promotion of the Appeal.
World Mission Budget – Unusual Opportunities
Utilised by the General Conference, this offering is used to enable opportunities that are not within the normal budget allocation.
Mission Extension
This offering is used for capital expenditure in extending publishing, educational and medical work in the mission fields of our Division.
We have a dedicated team who provide leadership, service, training, and resources to our local church treasury teams to enable them to serve their membership and community.

Graeme Moffitt
Chief Financial Officer

Janelle Cameron
Senior Accountant

Audrey Henriques
Personal Assistant

Natasha Jakowlew

Peter Luong
Accounts Clerk