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Hi Everyone,

Please accept my apologies that is has been a long time since I sent out a newsletter.

We had a pleasant time at Carol’s home for lunch and some of us ventured to the beautiful surroundings of Maroondah Dam in Healesville to go for a walk and to enjoy a BYO picnic tea.

6th- 9th March – We wish the 23 people travelling to Mildura this Friday 6th March safe travelling and a very enjoyable time on the Coonawarra Paddlesteamer as you fellowship together. I pray you have some interesting stories to share.

10th – 13th April – Elmore Big Camp the singles will be having a tent for you to come and relax and have a cuppa with us.

18th April – We are also having an extra program in April on the 18th at Wayne’s home for a BBQ. Those that went there last year enjoyed it so we thought we would go again. Please let Wayne know if you are coming.

23rd May – We are going to the Peninsula Hot Springs. The Kanasta Caravan Park have asked that I let them know by March 31st how many will be staying in the cabins, so PLEASE phone Cherryl if you wish to join us so that Liesa can let the cabins to someone else if we don’t get 20 people that I have booked for.

June – We will be having a homes evening, date and venue to be confirmed.

11th & 12th July We are having a weekend in Ballarat and have booked the Mecure Motel for 20 people $82 twin share includes a full hot breakfast. The Winter Wonderland Show will be on the Sunday. Advertising to follow on this but we do need to know if you are interested in coming.

22nd August – Sofia’s Restaurant in Camberwell
25th-28th September – Weekend in Bright. There will only be bookings for 29 people so you will want to

book in early. Advertising to follow.
October, November and December programs to be confirmed

Don’t forget to visit the conference website and check out what is happening and to look at the photo gallery.

Christian regards
On behalf of the VAAS Committee

0411 481 930

Newsletter 2.3.20