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We also love Big Camp and would love to see Big Camp go ahead in 2020.

As  members of a country church we can’t express how much we look forward to camp. Our grandson, Joshua, who is 10 was to attend camp with us and we are bitterly disappointed on his behalf, he also missed Junior camp this year due to the bush fires.

No big camp for 2 years will take a toll on future camps.

However, we concede that it would probably be very unwise for camp to go ahead this year.

It must naturally follow that with Big Camp cancelled that we must now also close our churches and schools. None of our churches should be operating and there should certainly be no Church lunches, Social activities, Pathfinder Camps/Activities and NO ORDINANCES.

There is no difference between catching COVID-19 at our local Church or at Big Camp.

For us the largest “mass” of people we come in contact with is at Church each week, our attendance in Mildura being over 200 each week.

Kind regards and wishing you God’s leading as you make decisions about our Church in Victoria.