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Make Every Day Count

Make Every Day Count

Many of us are still finding we have more spare time than before Covid rampaged across the world.  And with the very gradual easing of restrictions set out in our country’s time line for recover, this may well continue for some time.  But there are some of us who have...

It is About Time

It’s about time we step up and be the people God put us here to be…...
Don’t Panic

Don’t Panic

We are in an unprecedented situation. COVID-19 is not the first pandemic (or plague as they used to call them), it’s not the worst virus, but it is a bad one, and the response has been unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. All over the world things are...
God Cares – a message from our Victorian Church Leader

God Cares – a message from our Victorian Church Leader

It was sad to hear Scott Morrison say that places of worship are now closed.  Only days before, indoor gatherings of less than 100 were permitted, and our congregations were searching for ways to hold small group worships in place of church.  And a week before that we...
Buildings are closed, our churches are not!

Buildings are closed, our churches are not!

Pastors from around Victoria met together on ZOOM to discuss the implications of the recommendation from the Victorian Conference and the AUC that all churches shut their doors until the end of April.  This decision will have far reaching and, in some instances,...