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This article appeared in the Record in October 2018.  IntraVic apologises for the misprint  in the latest edition and for any distress it may have unintentionally caused.
A $5 Challenge

A $5 Challenge

Our small Adventurer and Pathfinders Club took up a $5 challenge and ten children raised $1183 for a special project in the Solomon Islands. Lawrence Staub, from South Pacific Allied Health (SPAH) company was presented with the money on Saturday afternoon, September...
An Answer to Prayer

An Answer to Prayer

On the 23rd of September, two years from its inspiration, church members and community celebrated the commencement of work on site for residential rehabilitation, the Hope Restart Centre (HRC). Peter Down, a retired builder, along with members of the HRC board and...
Community Wheels Program

Community Wheels Program

A collaboration between the local church and ADRA saw 24 cars receive a free oil change and wash. The Oasis wanted to support those in the community who were unable to look after their cars. They recognized a need they had expertise to meet, so thought ‘Let’s give it...
VAAS – Weekend Retreat

VAAS – Weekend Retreat

I want to Know what Love Is was the topic for special guest presenter, David McGibben from Wahroonga SDA Church , at Victorian Adventist Adult  Singles annual weekend retreat in July. The 44 attendees appreciated Pr McGibben’s presentation on Sabbath morning,...