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Winter Recharge

Winter Recharge

Snow fell at Buller just in time for the Winter Recharge 18+ Youth Camp in August. About 100 young people came for a weekend of fun, food, friends and worship. Held at Camp Howqua, the event was co-hosted by VicYouth and the university student association, FOCUS. The...
Working together

Working together

Staff from Victorian Adventist Communications joined with other Conference and South Pacific Division communication staff from around Australia in July, for the first Australia wide communication advisory in a number of years. Organised by the Australian Union...
Share Him

Share Him

Mid July, a group of youth from Victoria joined forces with a group form the NNSW Conference and headed to Botswana to participate in an evangelistic series. “From Johannesburg it was a LOOONNNG bus ride to northwest Botswana. Each person was allotted a church where...
Family Ministries

Family Ministries

The Family Ministries Director, Pr Graeme Christian, bought a group together some time ago, consisting of members of the youth, children’s, ADRA and ministerial teams, to discuss, research and explore ways of keeping our young people engaged in their churches. They...
Wanted: New Members

Wanted: New Members

Victorian Adventist Adult Singles holds monthly events and members are keen to add to their numbers in this unique ministry, as they support and empower each other to serve the Lord All individuals are created equal in God’s sight and our individuality is precious....
Trust Services

Trust Services

This department does not get a lot of publicity. However it plays an important role in assisting people at crucial times in their lives. It is a confidential and free service, dealing with people on a personal level as they undertake the sometimes stressful process of...