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An update from VicYouth

An update from VicYouth

In March, we were excited as the planning for Big Camp and Pathfinder Expedition was coming together so smoothly. However, things changed overnight...and then they changed again! In keeping with current health advice, a number of our upcoming events have been...

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For Such a Time as This..

For Such a Time as This..

Growing Together is not another program, completed after several workshops.  It is a journey for lasting cultural change; for health and vitality within our churches. Our Victorian Growing Together Cohort recently joined more than 170 other sites across Australia,...

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Ancient Mysteries

Ancient Mysteries

One of our pastors, David Maxwell, has been in Qld, working with a team there presenting to the community an Ancient Mysteries evangelistic program.  They commenced just before the decision to close places of worship and the team undertook to seamlessly transition to...

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Congratulations Nada

Congratulations Nada

Late last year, Nada Millen and her husband Emanuel (pastor of the Yarra Valley Church) travelled to Europe for a significant purpose. Over a 10-year period that included a change of country, continent and research topic, Nada finally presented in person at the...

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Big Camp@Home (for kids!)

Big Camp@Home (for kids!)

We are all adjusting to a new normal. A new way of doing life, a new way of doing church and a new way of meeting the ever present needs of our kids. And I don’t know about your family, but I know in mine there was a ‘great disappointment’ along with weeping and...

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Questions AUC have been asked

Here are a list of common questions the Australian Union Conference has been asked, and their answers... Q1. Is the church still operating at all. A1. Yes, very much so! ADRA SANI We are loud in the media space: HOPE/WAYMAKER/DISCIPLE.ORG Schools Moving Online Local...

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General Conference Update

Because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and surrounding safety, travel, financial, and visa implications on local and international church entities and members, as well as current government restrictions on public meetings, it is VOTED, 1. To postpone the 2020...

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Day of Prayer

Day of Prayer

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer" (Romans 12:12).  If 2020 has taught us anything thus far, it is that this world is ever-changing, and crises can develop very quickly. However, now is not the time to panic, but rather time to call upon...

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Buildings are closed, our churches are not!

Buildings are closed, our churches are not!

Pastors from around Victoria met together on ZOOM to discuss the implications of the recommendation from the Victorian Conference and the AUC that all churches shut their doors until the end of April.  This decision will have far reaching and, in some instances,...

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Growing Together

Growing Together

The First Victorian cohort met together last weekend for the beginning of a journey that will see our churches growing young… together. Fourteen churches from Victoria, three from South Australia and Albury Church were represented by 120 delegates at the Australian...

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Women In Ministry Conference

Women In Ministry Conference

I am very tired, but happy. Last night I came home after a week of incredible fellowship, professional development, and worship at the SPD Women in Ministry Conference in the Gold Coast. For many of the 132 delegates from around the SPD, it was our first time...

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What Do You Think: Episode, Waymaker.TV March 14th A recent study by Australian astronomers estimated that there are over 70 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 stars in the galaxy. That’s 70 sextillion stars, 7 followed by 22 zeros, or 70,000 million, million, million. The...

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Bushfire Relief Conference

Bushfire Relief Conference

Friends and family at Burwood Adventist Community Church gathered together last Saturday evening for a time of food, fun, fellowship and music, raising $10,510.20 for bushfire relief! The funds will go to ADRA Australia to help bushfire victims in regional Victoria,...

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Pastoral Team Farewells

Pastoral Team Farewells

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to members of our ministerial team. Some have accepted calls to other Conferences, both in Australia and elsewhere. Others are retiring (or re-retiring!) or following God's call into different areas of life. They have been a part...

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VAAS Members…

What a wonderful time the 70 people who attended our weekend retreat at Elkanah had. It was such a rich blessing to listen to Gary Kent speak on archaeological discoveries that prove the Bible is accurate and prophecies true, and that we can know that there is a...

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Beyond Reasonable Doubt

Beyond Reasonable Doubt

When faced with decisions in your life, do you follow your heart or your head? Whether we realize it or not Facts verses Feelings, that is, thinking with our heads or with our hearts, impacts all our decision-making - from what we should have for lunch, to what we...

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Growing Together

Growing Together

Many Churches in western nations are both shrinking and aging as younger generations disengage. However, there are scores of congregations that are bucking this trend and developing cultures that welcome, empower, and engage teenagers and young adults. The Fuller...

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