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Official Opening – Pavilions Stage 1

Official Opening – Pavilions Stage 1

The first stage of Pavilions Blackburn Lake, the retirement village built on the former Campground site was officially opened on the 14th of April 2021.  The event capped off over 15 years of work and was attended by around 200 people.   Special guests included the...

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UPLIFT 2021 – Face to Face!

UPLIFT 2021 – Face to Face!

UPLIFT was truly inspirational and God touched many ladies. Approximately 190 ladies joined us at Gilson College for a day of Prayer, Praise and Testimonies.  We were also blessed by the beautiful music by “As One.” Selba Luka shared her ministry and life experiences...

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From Icecream to Bible Study

From Icecream to Bible Study

The weExplore Centre, located in Clayton, is Gateway Church’s centre of influence.  This summer from January 11 to February 28, we offered free plant-based ice cream and this attracted 266 new contacts, students and communities that were living around the Clayton...

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St Albans Celebrates

St Albans Celebrates

Mikayla Claydon, 14, student at Gilson College, was baptised on 13 March at the St Albans Croatian Church.  Her extended family and teachers from Gilson College joined the church congregation in witnessing her testimony and baptism. There was double cause for...

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Restore Your Purpose…

Restore Your Purpose…

My mom has some very nice dishes that have stood for 40 years in a closet, never used.  We were afraid to use them, fearing we would break them, they were so beautiful.  Nor could we just get rid of them, they were too valuable. Do they serve they any purpose? Yes,...

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Bairnsdale Adventurers

Bairnsdale Adventurers

At Bairnsdale Church an Adventurers group for children from four to nine years old has been going for two years. The idea for such a group started with Bronwyn and Stephen Smith talking about it in 2018. it began the next year with a few families, and continued  with...

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Little Big Camp

Little Big Camp

When Big Camp moved online, VicYouth knew that that Easter 2021 would be an incredible opportunity for our young people to reconnect together in a new way.  In a smaller group than normal, and against the incredible backdrop of Camp Howqua, 92 young adults gathered...

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Growth for the Lord

Growth for the Lord

Congratulations to our Myanmar church community in Sunshine North on your committment and growth, on becoming a Church Company. Our Myanmar group was started with two families worshiping at Sunshine North house church in 2009, unable to worship in other local...

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Kingdom Culture

Kingdom Culture

In the famous prayer of Jesus, He prayed “Your Kingdom come, may Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”  Imagine experiencing the culture of God’s heavenly kingdom - right here, right now! What would that look like? At Nunawading Christian College Primary...

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World Changers

VicYouth has received a new shipment of World Changers Bibles from the SPD! Each set (Bible and pamphlet) is $5 AUD for purchase - a bargain! This is a great opportunity for missional outreach and also to ensure that every youth in our church has a copy of the Bible...

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Health Expo’s and More

Health Expo’s and More

In mid-March Casey Seventh-day Adventist church held our 5th Health Expo in the City of Casey. We have been supported each year through the City of Casey’s Community Grants, which has enabled us to hold various Health Expos, such as NEWSTART Health Expo, Dinner with...

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Ministerial Intern Camp

Ministerial Intern Camp

This year the Australian Union ran the biannual Ministerial Interns Camp at Adventist Alpine Village in picturesque Jindabyne. 32 interns and their spouses gathered from around Australia to be encouraged, educated, and empowered for ministry. Victoria Conference sent...

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Harvest Victoria Beyond 2020

Harvest Victoria Beyond 2020

We are now in the fourth year of the five-year cycle called Harvest Victoria.  That by no means indicates that this ‘project’ will end at the end of next year! In fact, Harvest Victoria is not a program or a project – it is more an ongoing philosophy, if you like, of...

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Tarnya Garner is well known to many of you.  She has been working with the Nunawading Church family for a number of years, and is also our Women's Ministries Director.  What you may not be aware of is that she had been studying too, and this year has been picked up as...

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Youth Games Night

Youth Games Night

On Saturday evening March 13th more than 40 young people gathered at Springvale Spanish Church for a combined social between youth from Springvale Spanish, Casey and Frankston Churches. Initially the group planned to close Sabbath at the beach and enjoy a picnic...

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Welcoming Mark Guite

Welcoming Mark Guite

Thang, who goes by the name Mark, has joined our pastoral team in 2021 as an intern. His wife's name is Niang Piand their daughter is Nunnuam, who is 4 and their two year old son is Zamung. Mark finished his undergraduate course (Business Admin-Major and...

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Paul’s Story

Paul’s Story

Paul's journey, that eventually found him standing in front of his church, giving his personal testimony at his baptism, has been a long one.  Finding God has helped him reflect on his past, and he now has a better understanding of the things he went through - finding...

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Celebrating New Life in Christ

Celebrating New Life in Christ

The church communities of Dandenong Filipino Church and Clyde Connect were praising God together yet again...  This time as seven of their young people followed their Saviour in baptism.  The celebration was again at the church in Hutton St and of the seven, four will...

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Welcome to the team, Evonn

Welcome to the team, Evonn

Evonn Reyno joins the pastoral team as a lay pastor. Born and raised in the southern region of Philippines., he earned his degree in Theology from Mountain View College.  He moved to Loma Linda, California after graduation and as part of his transitioning into the...

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Korey’s Testimony

Korey’s Testimony

I grew up in a Christian family, but it was only recently that I became a Christian.  What I mean by that is that as far back as I can remember…

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Growing Together 2021

Growing Together 2021

The first summit of Growing Together for 2021 was held last Sabbath at the AUC conference centre in Ringwood. This is the second year of an initial two year Australia-wide cohort for local churches. Jake Mulder, co-author of Growing Young directed the key sessions...

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Welcoming Brayden Rath

Welcoming Brayden Rath

Brayden Rath has officially joined the Victorian pastoral team with the commencement of his Ministerial Internship this year serving in the Mildura and Dareton churches. He comes to the pastoral team from a four year stint working as a school Chaplain at Gilson...

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