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Share Him

Share Him

Mid July, a group of youth from Victoria joined forces with a group form the NNSW Conference and headed to Botswana to participate in an evangelistic series. “From Johannesburg it was a LOOONNNG bus ride to northwest Botswana. Each person was allotted a church where...

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Family Ministries

Family Ministries

The Family Ministries Director, Pr Graeme Christian, bought a group together some time ago, consisting of members of the youth, children’s, ADRA and ministerial teams, to discuss, research and explore ways of keeping our young people engaged in their churches. They...

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Wanted: New Members

Wanted: New Members

Victorian Adventist Adult Singles holds monthly events and members are keen to add to their numbers in this unique ministry, as they support and empower each other to serve the Lord All individuals are created equal in God’s sight and our individuality is precious....

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Trust Services

Trust Services

This department does not get a lot of publicity. However it plays an important role in assisting people at crucial times in their lives. It is a confidential and free service, dealing with people on a personal level as they undertake the sometimes stressful process of...

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Digital Discipleship Continues

Digital Discipleship Continues

July saw a delegation of close to 40 people from around Victoria attend the Digital Discipleship Conference, hosted by Greater Sydney Conference.  But it didn’t stop there – we now have a passionate team of people meeting regularly and planning ways of impacting the...

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The Council Comes to Church

The Council Comes to Church

In July, the Darebin City Council visited Preston Church, with a view to learning more about our faith. Members shared our history, music and a delicious lunch with the 30+ visitors who came from the Council. Thursday, July 27 was the day that Darebin City council...

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Compelled by Love

Compelled by Love

ADRA Appeal Bringing some of the latest news from ADRA.  The October Appeal is just around the corner.  Other highlights include an ADRA supported Cocoa farmer won first place in the recent Solomon Islands Chocolate week, and locally one of the Vive Café guests...

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Chat or Chatter

Chat or Chatter

But is anyone listening? Social media in the digital age has left us overwhelmed. So many apps and platforms from which to choose. So many ways to communicate instantly to so many people, all at once. Communication theory talks about senders, receivers, media, message...

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Celebrating the Saviour

Celebrating the Saviour

Bairnsdale Church members shared a mid year Christmas celebration with their community, complete with great music, food and gift bags.  And the sharing continues, as a number of people showed interest in learning more about the Bible as a result. On Saturday evening...

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Adventist Identity

Adventist Identity

In recent years, our Church in the South Pacific has undergone signage and logo changes. The General Conference have picked up on the value of that, and in fact, revised our world-wide visual identity, which is compatible with changes we have already made and includes...

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AdventCare Update

AdventCare Update

A number of developments are taking place at our aged care facilities, and the first stages are due for completion imminently.  The Federal Aged Care Minister visited one of our centres, where he announced the results from the National Allocation Round before taking a...

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A Taste of Heaven

A Taste of Heaven

The Wantirna Church Choir recently visited Ferntree Gully Church, blessing them with an uplifting hour of praise to our great God. There’s a saying that “good things come in small packages.” This certainly proved true when the small Wantirna Church choir...

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A Busy Year

A Busy Year

What’s Been Happening? 2017 has been a busy year for Yarra Valley Church as they have served their local community with a regular friendship group, health seminars, Happy Hearts club and bible studies. Every one of their activities is underpinned by prayer.  ...

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A Celebration of Choice

A Celebration of Choice

On Friday, May 26, Brian Mercer represented Adventist Schools Victoria in the Upper House of Victorian Parliament to celebrate the beginning of financial support for nongovernment schools by the Victorian Hamer Government, 50 years ago. This government legislation...

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